The Inion system.
Monitoring your way.
Inion loggers work with a great multitude of devices, that’s why compatibility is never an issue.
The loggers collect information and transfer it to a cloud server. The Inion system supports various communication protocols (Ethernet, Modbus TCP / IP and RS485 RTU, etc.).

Solutions for everyone

Our monitoring solutions are suitable for PV plants of all sizes – from residential of just a few kW to investor-owned MW solar parks.

Unlimited possibilities. Unlimited attention to detail.
solarone 1000
Highly functional logger to connect solar parks and solve complex PV plant management tasks.
For plants of unlimited size.

inview Pro
Detailed analysis of your PV plant, powerful AI algorithms to analyze and estimate power plant operation, alarming and report low generation and faults.
For unlimited power PV plants.
Power plant performance estimation without
irradiation sensors
Smart alarming on low generation
and faults
Performance tracking
(forecasted vs estimated vs generated)
Maintenance dashboard
Whatever you are developing, we’ve got you covered.
solarone 1000
Highly functional logger to connect solar parks and solve complex PV plant management tasks.
For plants of unlimited size.

inview Pro
Detailed analysis of your PV plant, powerful AI algorithms to analyze and estimate power plant operation, alarming and report low generation and faults.
For unlimited power PV plants.
Performance tracking
(forecasted vs estimated vs generated)
Advanced alarming
Fault cost estimation
Data export (xlsx, API, FTP or other)
Solutions that make every task an easy one.
solarone 30
solarone 100
solarone 1000
inview Pro
Detailed analysis of your PV plant, powerful AI algorithms to analyze and estimate power plant operation, alarming and report low generation and faults.
For unlimited power PV plants.
All PV plants in one system
Set-up monitoring remotely from office
or home
Connect different inverters, sensors and
power meters
WiFi bundles for easy internet connection
Home is where things should be easy.
solarone 30
Best choice for residential PV plants.
Logger for small plants up to 30 kW.

inview Pro
For unlimited power PV plants.
inview Free
For power plants up to 30 kW.
Power plant performance estimation without
irradiation sensors
Real-time production, consumption and
battery view
Smart alarming on low generation
and faults
Full description of faults
Our cloud-based software.
Always available, always
secure on European servers.
Our cloud-based software. Always available, always secure on European servers.
inview Free
Status of your PV plant operation
For power plants up to 30 kW
inview Pro
Detailed analysis of your PV plant, powerful AI algorithms to analyze and estimate power plant operation, alarming and report low generation and faults
For unlimited power PV plants
inview Custom
Customized software for special applications
Unlimited size power plants
Feed-in-management for Distribution System Operators
Remote feed-in PV plant management solution is used to manage PV plants remotely by DSOs (mandatory from certain power in many countries)
Dedicated LTE modem to manage from DMS system – IEC 60870-5-104 protocol
Control parameters: reactive and active power, switchgear on/off
Readings: power, current, voltage, frequency and any other parameter DSO requests
Additional benefits for owner: separate internet connection for PV plant monitoring on regular Internet; real time analysis of plant performance; alarms on faults or undergeneration

Inion was started and is run by engineering pros with a solid academic background.
Our company is driven by an ambition for global presence and the idea of making things most efficient with existing resources.

UAB Inion LT is implementing the project “R&D investments in the development of an innovative solar power plant generation management system”, No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0080, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (project budget – 957.453,68 EUR, allocated funding – 592.296,81 EUR).
The project is financed as a measure of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The aim of the project is to develop a prototype of a solar power generation control system through research activities, which will be further developed to product level and marketed after the project.
The new product is expected to create the following added value for consumers: the grid operator will be provided with information on grid voltages from various points on the grid and, when voltage starts to rise, the grid operator will be able to control the generation capacity of the solar power plants of the producing consumers, thus ensuring that the grid parameters are kept within the expected range. Private power plant owners can monitor the generation data of their power plants, extend the effective lifetime of the generating source, increase generation efficiency and reduce generation outages.

INION LT, a pioneer in the Lithuanian PV Industry, has formed a cooperation with Green Business Norway to advance the development of new prediction software for PV plants.
The project “Solar-park financial management model implementation is receiving funding support from the 2014-2021 Norwegian Financial Mechanism ‘Business Development, Innovation and SMEs’ Call for Proposals under ICT Focus Area.
The project kicked off in September with the ambition to develop new innovative prediction models. PV plants are complex installations, where many faults can happen at the same time. Analytic tools will substantially improve the operational effectiveness and improve the quality of the forecasting.
Following a period of research, development and piloting with end users, new prediction modelling tools will consequently be launched into the market place.
INION LT is, a high-tech company operated by engineering professionals and IoT platform specialists. On the basis of a solid academic background, and operating out of Vilnius, Lithuania the current focus is monitoring and management of photovoltaic power plants with references in the biggest PV parks in Lithuania.
Green Business Norway (GBN) is a non-for-profit member organisation for the Norwegian Circular Economy and Renewable Energy Industry. With our 17 years of experience and a strong research base our contribution to the project are best practices and innovative research on modelling and forecasting tools and expertise related to planning, operations and optimisation of renewable energy production.
You can find more information about the project here: